New kid footwear
I love shoes; I spend more money on shoes than any other form of clothing. Shoes can make or break an outfit. For me, someone who doesn’t care much about outfits as long as they make me feel good and keep me warm, cool, or dry, shoes are how I make a statement or add a pop of color. They are fun, so why not? I happen to to be lucky enough to work with a brand that did just that.
Two years ago, while studying in Florence, Italy, I was lucky enough to work with the brand New Kid Footwear. Photographing this brand was not only fun but also reignited my excitement about fashion. Their shoes give that pop of color and just look good. While photographing in the streets of Florence, we wandered to locations I had scouted earlier and shot along the way. Did we get some strange looks? Yes. Did we care? No. My biggest regret was not buying a pair of New Kid shoes while in Florence. But you best believe that next time I go, my bag will be weighed down with more than one pair of some of the best shoes I’ve seen.